Painting On A Billboard!


I never thought that a painting I did with enticing lips would be chosen to be on a billboard!



A wonderful group called “ArtPop” (ArtPop Street Gallery) is on a move to fill billboards all across the US and eventually even in Europe with art!

ArtPop worked with the Charleston Arts Alliance and Adams Outdoor Billboards to launch the movement here. They had a city-wide contest, and we five (holding our unusual trophies) are the winners! Who knew?? Last night we had the opening send-off with the billboards lighting up! We’re each on several billboards throughout the city, and move when the billboard is needed for someone who can actually pay… I still haven’t seen any of mine, but many have, and I’ve heard it looks great.


Here is the original painting, and you can see where I took the long, skinny part that I submitted for the contest.

watercolor of woman reflecting


“Reflection” – This piece is for sale and, if interested, can be purchased in the SHOP

Thanks for taking a look.

Come on down or over to Charleston and see the real thing!