I’m madly painting and framing in anticipation of this Spoleto Festival. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m hoping that the people who might like my work will find me. As you can see from the paintings on this post and in the side panel, I don’t have one style. I range from photorealism to folk art, and from color to monochromatic. People coming into my tent are going to think it’s the work of nine different painters. In order to get into a gallery, I have to have a singular look….hmmm.
The “Caribbean Girl” above is an example of a pretty monochromatic piece. I like that the edges sort of float away…
This piece below, “Awaiting,” is not only monochromatic, but it has a folk art/modern feel. It’s not what I would call a “pretty” piece, but I love line and inference. What or whom are these Mennonite ladies waiting for?
