
This is a watercolor on watercolor canvas, which I’ve never used before. Every medium has its own very distinct look.
This wood stork is young. Notice that it still has tufts on the top of its head, and its beak is not yet overly long.Wood storks are among the most bizarre looking birds! I just love his pink feet! Here he is, out on a limb, just waiting for someone to take him home.
This piece is 12″w x 24″ h.
Still Life is an oil painting on canvas. If you’re looking for a beautiful blue, this piece is it! The blue in the vase is captivating, and the cloth underneath adds to the warmth of the painting. The piece would look good in any home, and is in a beautiful gold french country frame.
The Beauty In A Spoon is a watercolor using subtle color changes. I love the somewhat muted palatte, and the bowl of the spoon, which catches the colors surrounding it in the room. There’s the faint orange of a nearby ruler, and the blue of a glass bird. Our lives are filled with shadows and reflections, and the fun part of painting is choosing which ones to put in a piece.
This is a beautiful watercolor painting set in a country french frame. The look on the face of this young woman is arresting. Part of this piece was chosen to be on a billboard!
A wonderful group called “ArtPop†(ArtPop Street Gallery) is on a move to fill billboards all across the US and I was one of five chosen to be on a billboard in Charleston, SC. Here is the piece:
I was entranced by the innocence of this little Ugandan girl. The photo was taken at a school, and she was sitting at a desk. I decided to paint the Ugandan countryside as backdrop rather than a dark school room, and I wanted to give her hands the same sense of “being caught in a moment” as did her face. That pink hat is the perfect frame for her beautiful face.
This piece is 16″w x 20″h, and is in a lovely frame.