Wood Block Original Paintings

All wood block paintings are 6″ x 6″ x 1 1/2″.

Place on a table or hang on a wall!

$275.00, including shipping (within the US).

Be My Friend

This little fellow wants to be by your side! What a sweet face to see in the morning as you wake up and sip your tea or coffee.

Little Wren

Wonderful whimsical Wren oil painting! This chipper little fellow was outside my bedroom window one grey rainy morning. He was so adorable and chubby that I couldn’t resist painting him!

Little Wren’s Friend

This chipper little fellow was outside my bedroom window one grey rainy morning. He was so adorable and chubby that I couldn’t resist painting him!


How wonderful to have sunflowers year round! These beautiful paintings can be placed anywhere in your house – on a table or by your bedside.

Oops Kitty!

I think this kitty is hiding a mouse somewhere.The expression tells it all.

Peony in Bloom